
What Might Flying Humanoids Be?

  Flying Humanoids What Might Flying Humanoids Be? What I like to do when faced with a mystery is to rule out all logical answers, and then roll over to preternatural and then supernatural. Many of us have seen these strange Flying Humanoids for the past decade or so with the advent of High Definition Video Cameras. So, we can clearly see in some instances these shapes are humanoid in their appearance, they are just not moving. There also seem to be NO visible means of propulsion or lift carrying these items.  When I look at these videos, I see exactly what everyone else sees, what looks like familiar figures, silhouettes if you will, that are somehow suspended high up in the air.  The FIRST figure seems to be some kind of pigeon-like bird in an unnatural position. The SECOND figure looks like some sort of Pheasant or Partridge-type bird or fowl also frozen in an unnatural position. The THIRD, shockingly, looks like a human figure, all three of which are suspended in the air as well as